(VIDEO) Addio a Regis Philbin, ‘signore’ della tv Usa

L’America piange Regis Philbin, il ‘signore’ della tv americana, morto all’età di 88 anni. La famiglia del conduttore ha annunciato il decesso con una dichiarazione a People Magazine.

“Siamo profondamente addolorati nell’annunciare che l’amato Regis Philbin è deceduto la scorsa notte per cause naturali ad un mese dal suo 89esimo compleanno”, la nota della famiglia. Nella sua lunghissima carriera, durata quasi 60 anni, Philbin ha griffato alcuni programmi che hanno contribuito a fare la storia del piccolo schermo a stelle e strisce.

Regis Philbin, a familiar face to TV viewers as an energetic and funny talk and game show host who logged more hours in front of the camera than anyone else in the history of U.S. television, has died aged 88, People magazine said on Saturday, citing a statement by his family.

“His family and friends are forever grateful for the time we got to spend with him – for his warmth, his legendary sense of humor, and his singular ability to make every day into something worth talking about,” the statement said. “We thank his fans and admirers for their incredible support over his 60-year career and ask for privacy as we mourn his loss”.



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